The 16th Protein.DTU Workshop Networking for Young Researchers took place from 8.30 am. - 16.30 pm. May 22, 2017 in building 208, Auditorium 54 at DTU Campus in Lyngby. See the program.
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08:30 - 09.00
Arrival & Breakfast
09.00 - 09.10
Chair: Birte Svensson (Professor, DTU Bioengineering)
09.10 - 09.40
Quantum Biochemistry
Jan Halberg Jensen (Professor, KU Chemistry)
Chair: Günther Peters (Associate Professor, DTU Chemistry)
09.40 - 10.10
Recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins: Improving the productivity in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Henning Gram Hansen (Postdoc, DTU Biosustain)
Chair: Peter Hegaard (Professor, DTU Vet)
10.10 - 10.40
Understanding the evolution and specifity of lysine acetylation signaling
Chuna R. Choudary (Professor, NNF Center for Protein Research, KU)
Chair: Flemming Jessen (Senior Scientist, DTU Food)
10.40 - 11.10
Coffee Break
11.10 - 12.20
Flash Presentations - 4 minutes each
Kristoffer Almdal (Professor, DTU Nanotech)
Charlotte B. Madsen (Senior Scientist, DTU Food)
Pernille Harris (Associate Professor, DTU Chemistry)
12.20 - 13.30
Lunch and poster viewing
13.30 - 14.00
Regulation of bacterial toxin activity through protein higher-order structure and symmetry
Ditlev E. Brodersen (Associate Professor, AU, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics)
Chair: Pernille Harris (Associate Professor, DTU Chemistry)
14.00 - 14.30
Protein structure on the verge of collaps - or Why are ancestrial proteins more stable?
Jakob R. Winther (Professor, KU, Faculty of Science, Linderstrøm-Lang Center)
Chair: Kristoffer Almdal (Professor DTU Nanotech)
14.30 - 15.00
You're not alone - What can you do for your gut microbes, and what they can they do for you?
Tine Rask Licht (Professor, DTU Food)
Chair: Maher Abou Hachem (Associate Professor, DTU Bioengineering)
15.00 - 16.30
Poster Session, Coffee and "Time for a beer"
Maher Abiu Hachem (Associate Professor, DTU Bioengineering)
Flemming Jessen (Senior Scientist, DTU Food)
Peter Heegaard (Professor, DTU Vet)