Current topics in protein chemistry

It gives us great pleasure to cordially invite you to the first joint workshop of the Linderstrøm-Lang Centre for Protein Science at the University of Copenhagen and Protein.DTU at the Danish Technical University:

Current topics in protein chemistry
December 5, 2016, 8.30AM – 5PM
DTU Kemitorvet, Building 208, Lecture Hall 54

Previously, we organized workshops and symposia individually, but in the spirit of collaboration we now pooled our efforts. Hopefully this will turn into an annual event with the venue alternating between DTU and UCPH.

An excellent group of international young group leaders and established researchers are invited who cover a broad range of frontier topics in protein structure/function/engineering/application.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you will enjoy the opportunities for new collaborations and networking across protein science in academia and industry in the greater Copenhagen/Malmø/Lund area.


Birte Svensson
Enzyme and Protein Chemistry
DTU Bioengineering
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Building 375, Room 230
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone direct: +45 4525 2740
secretary + 45 4525 2731 or + 45 4525 2616 

Jakob R. Winther
Linderstrøm-Lang Centre for Protein Science
Section for Biomolecular Sciences
Department of Biology
University of Copenhagen
Ole Maaloes Vej 5
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Phone direct: +45 3532 1500