Program in PDF
Workshop in Protein.DTU, 1 October, 2009
Building 306, auditorium 31
08:30 - 09:00 Arrival
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome by Knut Conradsen (Provost, Technical University of Denmark)
09:15 - 09:45 Michael Sundström (Director, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
“Systematic Functional Characterization of Human Proteins’
09:45 -10:15 Mikael Akke (Professor, Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden)
“Protein Choreography and Spin Gymnastics — Using NMR Spectroscopy to Un-ravel
Functional and Dysfunctional Protein Dynamics”
10:15 -10:45 Michael Betenbaugh (Professor, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, U.S.A.)
“Methods to Monitor and Improve Protein Expression and Glycosylation in Mam-malian
Cell Cultures for Biotechnology and Biomedical Applications”
10:45 -11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 -11:45 Staffan Nilsson (Professor, Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Lund Uni-versity, Sweden)
“Airborne Chemistry in Type 2 Diabetes”
11:45 -12:15 Kathryn Lilley (Director, Cambridge Centre for Proteomics,
Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, UK)
“Quantitative Proteomics: Execution and Applications”
12:15 -13:15 Lunch and posters
13:15 -13:45 NN
13:45 -14:15 Robert L. Hettich (Senior Research Staff Scientist, Organic and Biological Mass
Spectrometry Group; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, U.S.A.)
“A Proteogenomic Approach for Characterizing the Molecular Activities
of Human Gut Microbiomes"
14:15 -14:45 Richard Neutze (Professor, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Göteborg University, Sweden)
“Structural Studies of Eukaryotic Aquaporins: Insights into Regulation
by Gating and Trafficking.”
14:45 -15:15 Peter Roepstorff (Professor. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Univer-sity of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
“The Role of Mass Spectrometry in Protein Studies, Combining Science and Ad-venture”
15:15 -15:30 Discussion and final remarks
15:30 -18:00 Science dating with sushi and wine (and posters)